Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Ultralight Aircraft Kits

Ultralight Aircraft Kits

Ultralight Aircraft Kits - The Maverick 2 RT is a trike that takes advantage of an existing airfoil. You'll enjoy the open-air cockpit and inexpensive way to fly. Plus, it's an ultralight aircraft with a higher weight limit to give more people the opportunity to operate an aircraft.

Richard is spot on! I have always been a Lazair man as it was and still is the least powered and slowest stall speed of any of the ultralights out there. Dale was an aerodynamics man.

Ultralight Aircraft Kits

Savage Bobber Kit (1M) +Motor+Prop+ Esc+ Servo Artf Dw-Scg3804 - Wings Over  The Downs Hobbies

I have 1 two place (for sale) and also 6 others. Two flying and and 4 to putter with. Such a simple plane. I will liken designs like these to the last gasp flak that cessna and piper were filling the skies with insisting that huge heavy aerodynamically dirty planes were ideal while the kit plane folks and the european theater kept advancing with new materials and ever cleaner slippery cost efficient designs

Maverick Rt

. In the truest tradition of locking the barn-door after the cow has wandered out, solutions were appearing just as the end was near. Rotax 2-stroke engines began to appear in the marketplace in the late 1970s, which were not only light-years ahead of their predecessors in ruggedness and reliability, but also featured "reduction drives" which produced more power per cc of engine and allowed the

use of larger propellers turning at slower speeds. More importantly, the BRS ballistic parachute was designed, tested, and ready for market by 1986. In the event that the pilot lost control or experienced a structural failure, one depressed button would fire a rocket-powered parachute to the rear and the plane would

float to the ground. The industry was maturing, but the new models debuted to very small audiences. One happy by-product of the house cleaning was that all of the manufacturers with less than exemplary records were eliminated, leaving a dozen or so to continue innovating, and most were (and are) members of the United States Ultralight Association (USUA), which

tries to keep a control on building standards as well as maintain safety reports. Trikes show of the ingenuity of ultralight builders. They use an existing airfoil that's readily available — the hang gliding wing. To it, that add a tricycle-geared open cockpit and engine.

      Kolb Mark Iii Xtra

It's simple and inexpensive, and it makes for a fun flying experience. The Pterodactyl Ascender was first built in the late 1970s and they have been extremely popular. It flew at the Oshkosh air show in 1979 and nearly 1,400 kits were sold by 1984. The Pterodactyl has a hang glider style design.

If you're just getting started with aviation, flying an ultralight aircraft can offer ease for your first solo flights and a great deal of fun. The best ultralight aircraft for beginners are those that don't require a license to fly and some even allow you to enjoy the thrill of assembling them from a kit.

Avocet Aircraft - General Aviation Experimental Aircraft

Learn about these great aircraft for new hobbyists. Aerolites come completely assembled from the company's plant in DeLand, Florida. You get to pick your colors, and the engine you'd like installed. For those who want to build their own, a quick build kit can be completed in less than 50 hours.

The Mark III Xtra has become Kolb's most popular aircraft. It is based off the Mark III Classic design with some aerodynamic enhancements to generate an extra 10-15 mph cruise speed. A sturdy steel and aluminum construction, removable doors/windows and folding wings and tail complete the priced-just-right package.

The First And Last Question On Modern Ultralights

Their MX 103 meets the requirements of FAR Part 103 as an ultralight aircraft. They also make a two-seat light sport version of the same airframe, which is the perfect option for pilots who want type training.

It has a gorgeous panel in the cockpit with a GPS, Full EFIF with artificial horizon, airspeed, altimeter, G Meter, heading indicator, compass, and ball. It also has seven windows and a door. This aircraft packs features typically reserved for fully registered aircraft into an ultralight frame.

It can have either tricycle gear or be configured as a taildragger. If your aircraft's empty weight is over 254 pounds, you will be flying under GA Rules (Part 61 & 91). Under these rules, your aircraft must be registered and have a current airworthiness certificate issued by an FAA inspector.

You will also be required to obtain a minimum of a sport pilot certificate. "Yeah [laughing], I was scared to death when they all came over and sniffed at the framework, but the reporter, who I guess knew his way around a bull, just shook the plane and they jumped back and went away.

Top Single Place Ultralight Aircraft

That was the one and only time I've lost an engine in thousands of ultralight flights. And don't forget that these aircraft are essentially gliders. . . with parachutes for good measure. An irresponsible owner who lacks training or has a thrill-seeking streak may well crash his plane, just as an inattentive car driver will.”

This isn't a comment but a question. I have been thinking about ultralights for years and now that I'm retired I have time for my bucket list. I recently saw a 2009 GT 400 for sale with 96 hours on the airframe.

File:savage Ultralight Aircraft.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The seller went from b7000 down to 6000 dollars. What is a good price? Is what he's wanting to high or reasonable. ? As previously mentioned, under these rules, you must register your aircraft and have a current airworthiness certificate issued by an FAA inspector.

The maximum approved gross weight for a two-place ultralight is 1,320 pounds. To solo in a two-place ultralight, you will need at least a sport pilot certificate. If you intend to fly with a passenger, you are required to earn a recreational pilot certificate.

The Private Pilot Maze

What any aspiring ultralight pilot wants is precisely what manufacturers have tried to give him: a rugged, dependable, safe aircraft, a low-cost ultralight aircraft. . . and here, strangely enough, is where FAA regulations hamper progress.

A Rotax 503, the industry standard powerplant with sufficient horsepower for even the larger two-beaters, weighs nearly 100 lbs. Good five point harnesses and seats weigh 20-30 lbs each, and a ballistic parachute nearly as much.

Add the barest instrumentation to measure altitude, engine temperature, and RPMs and a console to house them and you're adding 30 more pounds. The design dilemma is now clear. The FAA, by insisting that the craft weighs no more than 254 pounds, is, according to most design firms, legislating dangerous vehicles.

Which component would they suggest we do without? I'm building my first light sport aircraft and it's one step above an ultralight and I wanted to have high back country bush stol capabilities and I would like to know if I should incorporate flaps with my ailerons or should I just run with flapperons what would

How To Choose An Ultralight Aircraft

be the advantages of not knowing and at the risk of sounding stupid. The amount of diversity within this three-fold family is amazing, however. Several fixed wing models have completely enclosed cabins with heaters, intercoms and air to ground radios, and are virtually indistinguishable from small airplanes.

Many designers offer floats to their ultralights which have proven to be extremely popular. The thought of grabbing some fishing gear, hopping into an ultralight, and buzzing to a small island off the coast was more than enough to make eyes and mouths water around here.

Homebuilt Aircraft - Wikipedia

Ski attachments are also available, and there are hundreds of Northern U.S. and Canadian ultralight owners who think nothing of taking off and landing on snow covered backyards and frozen lakes from British Columbia to Maine.

The JackRabbit is the super portable micro eBike loved by pilots: only 24 lbs, 20 mph and slim down to 7 inches wide meaning it fits in any sized plane. The perfect way to cruise to and from the FBO.

What Is An Ultralight Aircraft?

No assembly required. Single place ultralights have just one seat for you – the pilot. To qualify as an ultralight, your prospective aircraft must meet certain weight requirements. To fly under FAA Ultralight Rules (FAR Part 103), the single seat aircraft must be used for recreational flights and have an empty weight of less than 254 pounds.

Training for pilots operating under FAR Part 103 is self-regulated and you do not need to obtain an FAA pilot certification. Finding, at long last, an opportunity not only to escape the confines of ground and gravity but the entanglements of the federal bureaucracy is ultimately what keeps ultralight enthusiasts in the pilot's seat.

I spoke with Donald McKay one afternoon near a local airport as he was in the process of celebrating not only his 70th birthday, but his new ultralight license. "My son was a military and commercial pilot and I've always had the bug to get in the air, but lacked either the time or the money.

It's just great fun for us older guys to have an opportunity to get back to the 'Smiling Jack' stick and rudder days when the sport of flying. . . what a sport.” This helicopter has floats and can therefore weigh more than the standard Part 103 limit of 254 pounds.

      Quicksilver Mx Ii Sprint

The Composite FX XEL features a fiberglass airframe and can reach air speeds of up to 70 mph. The XEL is available as a kit or factory finished for under $50,000. More than anything else, the mid 1970s era of rabid experimentation mimicked the earliest days of aviation, in which no design, however ridiculous or dangerous, was unexplored.

Engines that were essentially lawn-mower and chain saw knockoffs were tinkered and ratcheted up to very torquey, high revving output, and of course they frequently failed. Training was virtually non-existent, since the vast majority of ultralights were one-seaters.

Aerolite 103 Ultralight - How Its Made - Factory Tour - No License Required  - Part 103 Legal - Youtube

Aspiring pilots would just hop into the seat, grab the stick, and fly. The reader is left to imagine the consequences. Biplanes, twin engines, even canard (a plan in which basically the plane was built backwards, with the tail in the lead) designs were built by the thousands...and as might be expected, injuries and fatalities proliferated.

Ultimately, ultralight aircraft is a hobby. While you can travel from one location to another, limited payload and flight time will make it challenging to actually use it for travel. Therefore, ensure that you're looking for an affordable option since this is only a hobby.

      Jordan Lake Air-Bike Ls

There is a certain mystique and allure about ultralight aircraft. They are reminiscent of the early days of aviation when would-be pilots built their own aircraft and took to the skies for their own test flights.

Ultralights are affordable and exciting. Building them from a kit evokes a sense of accomplishment and pride. The kit comes complete with a jig-welded roll cage, seat belts, and a full cabin windscreen. Like many small ultralights, this one is trailerable for maximum versatility.

Owners can keep these planes in their garages and tow them to the airport to save on tie down costs. It also helps that they can build and work on them in their garage workshops, then move them to the airport when finished.

Many other designs are out there that have two seats, higher performance, or larger airframes. These may be built at home by a DIY flyer, or they may be partially completed at a factory and sold as a kit.

Jordan Lake Air-Bike

They will then be certified and registered as an "experimental" aircraft by the FAA under FAR Part 23. They can then be operated under Part 91 (General Flight Operations) by a licensed pilot, just like any other certified aircraft.

The term ultralight often gets overused to describe any very small or homebuilt aircraft, but this isn't strictly accurate. As you can see from the Part 103 requirements above, these aircraft must be single-seat designs that have very strict weight and performance requirements.

Extreme Flight 65

Ultralights come in many forms. The most common designs are trikes, which are simple fuselages suspended under standard hang gliding wings. Also popular are powered parachutes. But if you notice from the rules above, ultralights are not only limited to one category of aircraft.

There are ultralight airplanes, helicopters, and even gyrocopters. When considering your options, rank the merits of each aircraft and compare them using the Ultralight News' handy 10-point system for rating ultralight aircraft. This will walk you through exactly what to look for and what to avoid when selecting your next ultralight.

Years Of Money-Saving Tips

Soon you will take to the air flying the best ultralight aircraft for the money. An ultralight aircraft is defined under Part 103 – Ultralight Vehicles. According to the FAA, these aircraft are small, designed just for a pilot with no passengers, and do not exceed 55 knots in speed.

If it fails to meet any outlined criteria, it is no longer an ultralight aircraft and therefore subject to all other FAA rules and regulations, including that the pilot has the necessary license and first aid training.

An ultralight aircraft can take many forms. The most popular style is a trike. Another popular option is a powered parachute. However, a wide variety of plane styles can qualify as an ultralight aircraft as long as it satisfies the FAA requirements.

Then, in 1982, the FAA adopted part 103 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, which defined specifically what an ultralight could and could not be. The ultralight was defined in the code as a one-seat aerial recreational vehicle that must weigh no more than 254 pounds (without pilot), must carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel, must travel no faster than 55 knots (about 63 mph)

Cruising Speed

, and must have a stall speed of no faster than 24 knots. Other parts of the code dictated that the planes could not be flown at night, could not be flown in clouds, over congested population centers or in controlled airspace (those lanes reserved for larger air traffic).

Finally, two-seat aircraft were allowed for the purposes of training. The regulations have remained unchanged ever since. But before you get too excited about flying this aircraft without undergoing training, realize that there are still several rules and requirements you'll need to follow.

You still need to learn about controlled airspace and look for an area that is unpopulated to avoid accidents.

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Used Ultralight Aircraft For Sale

Used Ultralight Aircraft For Sale

Used Ultralight Aircraft For Sale - ItalyHydroplanes are described as an aircraft that has the capacity to carry two people, with a MTOW of up to 1,1041lbs (472.5kg) with a parachute and 992lbs (450kg) without. The aircraft is allowed to operate during Daylight VFR, at a minimum of 500ft (152M). The Pilot is required to be in possession of a valid exam certificate, valid medical and current on insurance. A helmet is required for open cockpit operation. Flight over populated areas and gathered crowds forbidden.

The Quicksilver MX II Sprint Aviator is a two-seater flex-wing aircraft available as a kit. It only requires 40 to 60 hours to build.  The Quicksilver MX II Sprint Aviator is powered by a Rotax 582 two-cylinder engine that delivers 65hp making take-off over 120 – 260 ft (36 – 79 m) possible. The Quicksilver MX II Sprint Aviator has a fuel capacity of 6 gallons and a useful load of 390 lbs (176 kg) and capable to reach a top speed of 67 mph (107 km/h or 57 kts)

Used Ultralight Aircraft For Sale

2 Seat Tandem 1990 Freebird Ultralight Aircraft For Sale | Tandem, Aircraft,  Ultralight

The spacious cabin is equipped with a single temper foam seat, three-point harness with cabin racing padding and large aft baggage compartment. With seven bubble windows, visibility is excellent. The Aeromarine Merlin Light is powered by a Polini 250DS engine delivering a cruise speed of 63 mph (101 km/h or 54 kts) and endurance of approximately 4 hours from a 5-gallon fuel tank.

The CGS Hawk Ultra offers a curved windshield, sharp nose slope for improved visibility and three-axis control system as standard features. The CGS Hawk Ultra boasts with a Gross Weight of 600 lbs (272kg), an empty weight of 248 – 254lbs (112 – 115kg), a decent cruise speed of 80 – 96 km/h (43 – 51 kts) and a stall speed of 38 – 43 km/h (20 – 23 kts).

The Aventura UL is produced by Aero Adventure LLC, based in Florida, USA. The hull of the aircraft is made from lightweight, durable Kevlar. The gear is retractable, enabling land or water landing. One engine option is the Viking 90hp engine at a cost of $11,045.

JapanIn Japan the Ultralight power machine is undefined in Civil Aeronautics Act, but it is considered to be a single seat aircraft with a MTOW of 396lbs (180kg) and a two seat version with a MTOW 496lbs (225kg) with extra weight allowed for an emergency parachute up to 24lbs (11kg) and up to 61lbs (28kg) provisions for floats. The aircraft may only be operated during Daylight Visual Conditions. Instead of a licence, the pilot has to receive permission from the Minister and proof this permission must be always available on board for every year that the aircraft is operated. Should passengers want to make use of the aircraft, they too have to obtain permission from the Minister in order to do so. The aircraft may only be used for sport and recreation purposes and any other use is strictly forbidden.

Dynamite comes in small packages with these miniature little aircraft packing a serious punch! Tiny enough to be transported by road, but big enough to carry two passengers, the ultra and microlight aeroplane just might be the most fun to fly!

Flightstar Advanced Ultralight Aircraft - Upac Classifieds

Canadaa.) A Basic Ultralight aircraft with the seating capability of two people, with a MTOW 1,200lbs (544kg) only allowed to operate under daylight visual conditions. The Pilot of a Basic Ultralight aircraft requires a Ultralight Pilot’s Permit. The Ultra Ultralight aircraft can be operated from land or water.b.) An Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplane is defined as an aircraft with the seating capacity of two people with a MTOW of 1,232lb (559kg) that is only allowed to be operated under daylight visual conditions. A passenger is only permitted if the pilot carries an Ultralight Aeroplane Passenger Carrying Rating on his/her Ultralight Pilot’s Permit. The aircraft is allowed to operate from a controlled airport without prior arrangement or permission.

Produced by Aero Adventure LLC based in Florida, USA, the Aventura UL is built with lightweight, durable Kevlar. Because of the retractable gear, the aircraft can be utilized as an amphibian aircraft, the only Fixed Wing Ultralight aircraft in its class.

The Aventura UL can also be fitted with the iLevel BOM (Broadcasting Outer Module) at a cost of $1,995 and it is the first (and only) aerodynamic to be mounted under the wing. It is a fully independent, wireless, self-powered avionics device with all components incorporated. Avionics included are a WAAS enabled GPS, ADSB-In, Angle of Attack, Altitude Indicator, Airspeed Indicator, AHRS (Attitude Heading, Directional Gyro, Turn Coordination, Rate of Turn, VSI) and Outside Air Temperature Indicator.

Flex-Wing Microlight & Ultralight Aircraft are controlled by weight shift control where the aircraft is designed in the fashion of a hang glider style wing where the carriage carries the engine, pilot (and/or passenger) and it controlled by pushing/pulling the horizontal control bar.

Most students complete between 10 – 15 hours of flight training before an instructor is satisfied enough that the student is capable and ready for his or her first solo. Performing your first solo is a milestone in each student’s training and celebrating this should be considered mandatory!

The minimum requirement for a National Private Pilot’s Licence without limitation is 25 flight hours of training. But because every student is different and every student’s learning capability varies, some students may require more time and lessons before obtaining their National Private Pilot’s Licence (NPPL).

2 Seat Ultralight Aircraft For Sale Online Price, Save 50% |

Designed to be a primarily Short-Take-Off and Landing (STOL) aircraft, the Kolb Twinstar Mark III has a large wing area, huge flaps, ailerons and a robust choice of engines ranging from the Rotax 503 (52hp) or the Rotax 912S (100hp) engine. Equipped with the Rotax 503 engine and minimal equipment, the Kolb Twinstar IIII weighs 550lbs (249kg).

The Badland Base Model F1UL is a one-seater microlight with a gross weight of 550lbs (250kg) and a useful load of 296lbs (134kg). It is fitted with a 5 imperial gallon fuel tank, able to cruise at 43 kts (80 km/h) at a 75% power setting able to reach a range of 100nm.  It only requires 150ft for take-off and 100ft for landing. At a stall speed of 22kts (41km/h) with flaps down, the Badland Base Model F1UL crawls before stalling!

The 1100R Mini Max has two engine options: the Rotax 277 28 hp or Rotax 477 40 hp engine. Powered by the Rotax 277, the 1100R Mini Max cruises at 65 mph (104 km/h or 56 kts) and stalls between 28 – 31 mph (45 – 49km/h or 24 – 26 kts).

Designed by Terry Raber and introduced by Aero-Works, Inc, the Aerolite 103 is a single seat, high-wing ultralight aircraft controlled by pusher configuration, is legally operated under the FAR 103 Ultralight requirements. Currently, the Aerolite 103 is manufactured by U-Fly-It Light Sport Aircraft LLC, DeLand, Florida.

The Jordan Lake Air-Bike LS103 is a part 103 compliant Ultralight aircraft that is powered by either a Rotax or Hirth engine with an output of 45 – 50hp, cruising at 51kts (94km/h). The Jordan Lake Air-Bike LS103 was designed by Wayne Ison. The aircraft comprises of a light yet sturdy tubular steel airframe and wooden wings. Optional extras include folding wings, fibre-glass wingtips, and wheel pants.

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Light Sport Aircraft Range Australian Lightwing Ballina Nsw

With its proven design, easy handling and precise control thanks to the three-axis control and double surface control, the MXL II Sport is one of the best selling two-seater ultra-light aircraft. The recommended engine to be fitted to the Quicksilver MXL II Sport is the Rotax 582 which performance at a 75% setting is approximately 51kts (94km/h) providing a useful load of 390 lbs (176kg) and a MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight) of 720lbs (326kg)

The Kolb Firestar is a one- or two-seater in side-by-side configuration. The Kolb Firestar aircraft is equipped with a Hirth 3202 engine, open cockpit aircraft in push/pull configuration.  It is very easy to identify with the tail gear modification. The Kolb Firestar is fitted with simple gear, is aerodynamic in design and with the wings and tail being easily folded in less than in 15 minutes makes for easy storage in a jiffy!

The North Wing Maverick 2 RT is a lightweight trike with a two seat capacity in tandem configuration. The standard Maverick is powered by a Kawasaki 440 engine delivering 38hp. It only weighs 254lbs (115kg) and has a gross weight of 600lbs (272kg). Features of the North Wing Maverick 2 RT include comfortable, secure seating that is equipped with seat belt harnesses, a 5 imperial gallon (22l) fuel tank, hand and foot throttle and steering dampener.

Find New & Used Microlight & Ultralight for Sale on AvPay. Find Microlight & Ultralight Aircraft for Sale in the UK, Europe, US, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia & South America. Contact Manufacturers, Brokers & Sellers directly to arrange the Purchase of Microlight & Ultralight Aircraft.

The Aerolite 103 is delivered as a completely assembled aircraft manufactured in DeLand, Florida. The Aerolite 103 offers various engine options, including the Rotax 44, Rotax 502, Kawasaki 440 or Hirth F23. The Aerolite 103 has a max cruise speed of 72 – 101 km/h (38 – 54kts) and a stall speed of 41 – 45 km/h (22 – 24kts). Standard features of the Aerolite 103 include a two blade Tennesse propeller, basic flight and engine instruments, a reduction driver, shock absorbing main landing gear, steerable nose wheel and a 5 imperial gallon (22l) fuel tank.

This one-seater aircraft’s prototype has seen more than 5,400 hours of flying. It is powered by a vibration reduced Hirth F33 engine that is rated at 52HP when operated at 6,500 rpm output, making the aircraft smooth to handle and fun to fly.   The Earthstar Thunder Gull 2000 has a cruising speed of 51kts (94km/h). Features include a steel jig welded roll cage, quick trailering conti-levered wings, covering in an aluminium D-Cell skin with a counter-based stabilizer. The wings feature drooped wing tips manufactured from light-weight fibreglass. The full-covering windscreen provides for unobscured views.

Ultralight Aircraft Offer 'Amazing' Views, But Recent Incident Shows Risks

The Aeromarine Merlin Lite is part 103 compliant fixed wing ultralight aircraft that can be flown without a license only if the aircraft is fitted with the BRS500 rescue system, increasing the allowable weight requirement. The Aeromarine Merlin Lite can also be registered in the Experimental class and is not limited by the weight and speed restrictions of Part 103.

Quicksilver Aircraft has been manufacturing the single and two-seater, high wing, ultralight aircraft that is powered by a single engine since the 1970’s. Quicksilver Aircraft offers ready-built or kit-plane options. Models currently available are the GT 500, Sport 2S, MX II Sprint, a single seat option and an open cockpit amphibian version.

New ZealandThere are two classifications in New Zealand for Ultralight aircraft:Class 1: A single seat aircraft with a MTOW of 1,124lbs (510kg) and 1,212lbs (550kg) for seaplanes;Class 2: A two-seater aircraft with a MTOW of 1,322lbs (600kg) and 1,433lbs (650kg) for seaplanes.In New Zealand Ultralight aircraft are subject to NZCAA General Aviation Regulations and Microlight specific variations as described in the manifest of Part 103 of the Microlight Aircraft Operating Rules.

The Kolb Firestar is a single or twin seater Ultralight aircraft that is powered by a the Hirth 3202 engine (standard for the purposes of this exercise), powerful not only in horsepower, but also delivering in excellent performance. With a cruising speed of a 69kts/ 128km/h. Features of the Kolb Firestar includes a solid light-weight fuselage with a substantial supporting wingspan and a large diameter propeller.

Ready to fly, fully assembled, the Aerolite 103 is a single seat aircraft that can be acquired for just over $27,000, depending on which engine option is selected. The complete Aerolite 103 Quick-Build Aircraft fitted with the MZ 34 (30hp) engine costs $27,039 without crating and shipping costs. Standard features include: Fully Anodized Airframe, Electric Flaps, Nose Fairing and Windscreen, Steerable Nose Wheel with Suspension, Shock Absorbing Main Landing Gear, Hydraulic Brakes, Four Ply Tyres, Four Point Safety Harnesses, Dacron Covering, Visual Fuel Quantity Gauge and a 5 imperial gallon fuel tank.

The student is also subject to pass a General Skills Test (GST) overseen by an accredited examiner. The General Skills Test covers every aspect from preparing for flight, starting and taxiing, power checks, take-off procedure, unusual attitudes and recovering, stalls, avoiding spinning, forced landings, navigation, approach and landing, emergency procedures, ATC procedures, and after flight conduct.

Aerolite 103 Goes All Electric - Kitplanes

Economical to own, easy to maintain, train on and to fly, ultralight and microlight aircraft are extremely popular among aviation enthusiasts, bringing a diverse set of people a tremendous amount of joy, be it leisure, local or long-distance flying. Microlight and Ultralight aircraft listed for sale on AvPay include the Aeros SkyRanger, Shark Aero UL, Comco Ikarus C42CS, Comco Ikarus C42B, Flight Design CTLS and the Blackshape Prime.

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Australiaa.) A Light Sport Aircraft is defined as an aircraft with two seating capacity with MTOW of 1,322lbs (600kg) and 1,433lbs (650kg) for seaplanesb.) A Recreational Aircraft is defined as an aircraft with two seating capacity, a MTOW of 1,322lbs (600kg) and 1,353lbs (614kg) for seaplanesc.) Ultralight Aircraft and its pilot must be registered with the Hang-Gliding Federation of Australia (HGFA) or Recreational Aviation Australia (RA Aus) All microlights and trikes are subjected to the regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority, with the exception of ultralight, single seat aircraft that has been privately built.

The one- or two-seater CGS Hawk Arrow boasts an empty weight of 310 – 330 lbs (140 – 149kg) and a gross weight of 625lbs (283kg), the Rotax engine provides 40 – 65 hp with a cruise speed ranging from 88 – 120 km/h (47 – 64 kts) and a stall speed of between 45 – 54km/h (24 – 29 kts).

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Supreme Commander 2 Aircraft Carrier

Supreme Commander 2 Aircraft Carrier

Supreme Commander 2 Aircraft Carrier - The Mastadons cruiser is a naval support unit. It is equipped with long-range tactical missiles, radar and sonar, and short-range artillery for naval warfare. It has particularly good air defense capabilities and can effectively intercept enemy missiles and has no torpedo tubes.

But the Mastadon cruisers had poor ship-to-ship combat capabilities and were easily destroyed by destroyers. Command-class aircraft carriers, mainly for manufacturing and storage and launching air units, equipped with short-range naval guns, can upgrade landing and bounce, can provide take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft, can be used for two-thirds of the normal cost.

Supreme Commander 2 Aircraft Carrier

Hms Khedive, British Escort Carrier, Ww2

Price production units that act as mobile aviation factories. The Command Class Aircraft Carrier is a Cybran naval unit. Its main role is to manufacture, store, and launch air-units - essentially acting as a mobile air-factory.

Mastodons Cruiser

It also produces units at two thirds of their normal cost. Considering that this unit can go on land with the Cybran LEGS technology, it can also act as a mobile air factory on land. Although the Command Class does have somewhat powerful guns but no anti-air, it is not recommended to put this unit into battle, because when the Command class is destroyed, so are all of the planes inside of it.

Super Triton Experimental Dreadnought | Supreme Commander 2 Wiki | Fandom

Tigershark submarine is submerged under the water, and the radar cannot detect it unless it is detected by sonar. It is immune to most weapons and is a powerful unit for sea dominance. Equipped with torpedoes and deck guns, the submarine can carry additional weapons when it comes to the surface.

. Quite weak in direct combat and vulnerable to enemy torpedo bombers.Salem-class destroyerSalem-class destroyers are equipped with direct-fire weapons, ship-to-air missiles and torpedo tubes, and the destroyers can also be upgraded to gain the ability to move on land.

The Salem-class destroyer can carry out effective naval gun support in the early stage, and can capture submarines and ACUs in potential water, but it has a fatal disadvantage. The main gun can only attack the target in front, and cannot attack the units chasing and outflanking it.

German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin - Wikipedia

Cybran Aircraft Carrier

The Poseidon battleship is an excellent long-range heavy artillery unit, equipped with a direct-fire artillery company and an anti-aircraft company, with 3 triple-barrel Gauss guns, and an anti-missile system that can be upgraded. She it is the most powerful non-experimental ship in the game.

The land bombing ability is strong, the air defense ability is relatively weak, and it is easily attacked by aircraft. There are three tech 3 and two experimental aircraft carriers in the game. They are often used as strike platforms, deploying squadrons of air units to attack enemy positions while also serving as venerable anti-aircraft platforms.

While it lacks in naval defense, it makes up with having the best AA defense compared to the other carriers, with tracking SAM weaponry. This ship is often used to combat Soul Rippers, over the sea, mainly for its high damage output and the added ability to deploy ASF to aid in its defense.

In First, Marine Corps F-35 Fighters Deploy Aboard British Aircraft Carrier  |

The CZAR is a unique flying Experimental which makes it the only aerial unit classified as an aircraft carrier. A tough flying fortress, this flying saucer is a solid choice for being able to strike from the air as well as having a plentiful choice to build its own air force.

Tigershark Submarine

In Supreme Commander, Carriers serve as an offensive means in comparison to Air Factories. The capability to launch aircraft is more advantageous on maps where range becomes an issue. When idle, Carriers serve the Air Staging Platforms and any aircraft, damaged or low on fuel, may enter before continuing their mission.

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Supreme Commander 2 for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Watch The Navy's Newest, Most Sophisticated Aircraft Carrier Land And  Launch Its First Aircraft

It is vital to protect your carriers from other naval units, especially submarines as they lack surface weaponry. Enemy air have more difficulty fighting them as the AA weaponry is just as potent as a Cruiser's but they would still need protection if the enemy decides to get reckless.

The Iavish is most likely the most versatile ship out of all the T3 carriers, because she is capable of launching her own guided missiles towards stationary targets, in rapid succession. The Iavish also possesses excellent sonar and radar capabilities and decent enough AA to defend itself.

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It is armed with four Flayer SAM Missile turrets and several very high-quality torpedoes, the Atlantis makes for a formidable self sustaining strike force for it can defend itself against both air and naval threats very well.

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Being also having the ability to dive to avoid dangerous situations (be sure to dock any assigned aircraft inside before doing so). While it can summon aircraft to aid it in times of desperation, it won't bode well in a serious naval offensive but better suited for defenses purposes as its size makes it more vulnerable to counterattack.

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Tilt Rotor Aircraft

Tilt Rotor Aircraft

Tilt Rotor Aircraft - When they're ready to taxi, Wells and Edwards pitch the rotors forward a few degrees and glide towards the runway. They accelerate the engines to full power, roll a few hundred feet, then lift off at a speed that, compared to that of a similarly sized business jet, seems downright leisurely.

The pilots bank to the right, tilt the rotors fully forward, and speed off to a designated testing area high above the rural farmland of southeastern Pennsylvania, where they'll run through a battery of speed and maneuverability tests.

Tilt Rotor Aircraft

Unknown Facts About Osprey V 22 Tilt Rotor Built For Special Purpose #Usa  #V22 - Youtube

The US Air Force and US Navy variants are equipped with a Raytheon AN/APQ-186 terrain-following, multimode radar. The helicopter night-vision system is the Raytheon AN/AAQ-16 (V-22) FLIR, which is mounted on the nose. This system contains a 3-5 micron indium antimonide staring focal plane array.

V- Dual Tilt Rotor Design

The automatic wing and rotor folding sequence, which can be completed in 90 seconds in a 60kt wind, is as follows: the aircraft lands in helicopter mode; the two outboard blades of each rotor are folded inboard;

the nacelles are rotated forward to cruise mode; and the wings are rotated by 90° clockwise. The V-22 was approved for full-rate production in September 2005. The MV-22 achieved initial operating capability in June 2007 and left for its first operational deployment in Iraq in September 2007, with USMC Squadron 263. Initial operating capability for the CV

-22 was achieved in March 2009, but a CV-22 flew a first search and recovery mission from Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, in October 2007. Whether or not the AW609 can establish itself in the aviation market, Leonardo expects it will enter commercial service in earnest in 2019, after certification.

And easy operation might outweigh cost here. After Wells completed his real-world test flight, he took me for a spin in the company's development simulator. Despite having just basic flight experience—none of it in helicopters—I managed a full flight, including takeoff and landing, with just a few interventions from Wells.

V- Osprey Programme And Development

"There's not always an easy road to get where you want," said Augustin. “There's no easy street. You have to put in the work to get the job done. Growing up, I learned the importance of a strong work ethic.”

Future Tiltrotor Aircraft 3D Model $79 - .3Ds .Dae .Fbx .Obj .Max - Free3d

With 90 percent of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to trained sailors and a strong Navy.

The AW609 tiltrotor aircraft is the civilian cousin of the larger, military V-22 Osprey, aimed at corporate aviation, search and rescue operations, and oil rig transport. It looks like it should be a complicated mess to fly, with those big rotors that swivel back and forth, shifting the aircraft for vertical to horizontal flight, helicopter to airplane mode.

But the pilots say it's surprisingly docile—and capable. “It's all fly-by-wire, and much of the transition between flight modes is automated. But the thing that's always surprised me the most is how fast it is,” Wells says.

The AW609 can fly at 320 mph; most helicopters top out around 170 mph. "Its acceleration has blown away some of the other pilots who've flown alongside it during testing." The V-22 can climb at the rate of 16.2m/s.

The maximum and cruise speeds of the aircraft are 565km/h and 510km/h respectively. The range is 3,379km. The combat range and service ceiling are 692km and 7,620m respectively. The AW609 has alluring features to go with its VTOL status and heady speed.

Unlike any conventional helicopter, it's pressurized, so it can fly at 25,000 feet, a boon for efficient cruising. Still, in the excruciatingly cost-conscious aviation market, it might remain a hard sell. Boeing is responsible for the fuselage, landing gear, avionics, electrical and hydraulic systems, performance and flying qualities.

Bell Helicopter Textron is responsible for the wing and nacelle, propulsion, rotor, empennage (complete tail system), ramp, overwing fairing and the dynamics. "My proudest accomplishment is earning the rank of chief petty officer," said Augustin. “Being a chief is about the sailors.

Bell V-280 Flies Autonomously For First Time

I have to train my replacement. I would like to leave a positive path for the new sailors coming in, so one day they can say, 'I want to be like Chief Augustin.' I always have their back, and I want them to know that."

“Our greatest challenge is getting folks to think differently about tiltrotors,” said Bill Sunick, Jr., Leonardo's senior manager of marketing for the AW609. “This is a new class of powered-lift aircraft, and it allows you to always use the asset at your disposal as you want and need to use it.”

A two-year flight test program began in May 2002 and a second OP/EVAL phase began in March 2005. USAF CV-22 resumed flight testing in September 2002. The first CV-22 was delivered to the USAF in October 2005.

In July 2006, two MV-22 Ospreys completed flights crossing the Atlantic to take part in the flying display at the Farnborough International Airshow. The MV-22 was deployed for the first time in an offensive combat mission known as Operation Cobra's Anger in December 2009.

Both ease of flight and performance will be critical if the nine-passenger aircraft, now a prototype, has any hope of commercial success. That's hardly a given, since analysts estimate one of these things will cost around $25 million—about what you pay for a super-medium category helicopter.

It's also up against many misconceptions about tiltrotors, mostly stemming from the Osprey's growing pains, which came in the form of several high-profile and fatal accidents. Those flaws have since been fixed, and the Osprey has proven its capability in operational use with the Marine Corps and Air Force.

It also proved an enticing virtual ride, given the ability to get up and go from any location and reach significant speeds on the way. So it's easy to see how the concept could appeal to one up-and-coming market: the autonomous air taxi.

Vtol Tilt-Rotor | Flite Test

Smaller electrified versions of the tiltrotor are already on the minds of outfits pursuing that dream, including the secretive Joby Aviation and Uber's collaboration with Bell Helicopters. So even if the AW609 may not end up being your own personal transport—unless you work on an oil rig, have a corner office, or fall off a cliff—its still possible that something like it might show up on your lawn someday.

BestReviews is reader-supported and may earn an affiliate commission. Details. Why Shigella is in the news Shigella isn't new. It was discovered in 1896 by Kiyoshi Shiga, a scientist who was investigating a large epidemic of dysentery in Japan.

The … In June 2011, the Israel Air Force (IAF) unveiled the decision to send its team to the US for evaluating the V-22 Osprey. The IAF intended to acquire V-22s to carry out search and rescue, and special covert operations.

Flying around the digitally rendered Philadelphia suburbs proved easy. Landing was harder, mostly because you have to aim for a fixed point (as opposed to a long runway) before switching from horizontal to vertical flight. Overall, it was more fun and less stressful than the helicopter simulators I've tried.

At an airport just north of downtown Philadelphia, test pilots Dan Wells and Paul Edwards fire up a pair of 1,900-horsepower turboshaft engines. Slowly, the aircraft's two rotors, each with three blades and 25 feet in diameter, start to rotate.

Pointing straight up, they're soon thumping the air and the ear drums of everyone nearby. The glass cockpit is equipped with six night-vision goggle compatible displays including four 6in square color active matrix liquid crystal multifunction displays, a shared control display unit and a standby flight display.

The flight crew has a pilot's night-vision system and a Honeywell integrated helmet display. The aircraft can provide VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) with a payload of 24 troops, or 6,000lb of cargo at 430nm combat range, or VTOL with a payload of 8,300lb of cargo for a range of 220nm.

Tilt Rotor Aircraft: An Illustrated History By Alexander Lüdeke - First  Edition - 2012 - From Carmarthenshire Rare Books. (Sku: 114024)

“The risk here isn't technological maturation,” says aviation analyst Richard Aboulafia, with the Teal Group. “The AW609 depends on commercial reality, rather than military capabilities. The Marines and Air Force will pay a 100 percent premium, relative to a similar-sized helicopter, for the V-22's speed and range.

Will civilian customers pay a 100 percent premium for speed and range? A lot of civil helicopter missions involve 50 to 100 mile trips, so they'd pay much more for a smaller cabin, just to save a few minutes.”

Of course, customers might pay more for the ability to go farther and faster. If they had wanted to, Wells and Edwards could have shot into the sky without leaving their original parking spot. But the engineers on their team wanted to know more about the Leonardo AW609's short-takeoff capabilities, so they went the runway route.

When they return an hour later, they come in with the rotors angled straight up, hover 20 feet above the ground, execute a casual pirouette, and touch down onto a helipad. In January 2008, BAE Systems was awarded a contract by the US SOCOM for the rapid development and installation of a remotely operated weapon turret for the MV-22, based on the remote guardian system (RGS), which provides 360° coverage.

The RGS is belly-mounted on the MV-22 and is armed with a GAU-17 7.62mm minigun. BAE Systems installed the first system on a CV-22 in February 2008 for ground and flight testing. © 2023 Condé Nast.

All rights reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. WIRED may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers.

The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. Ad Choices The V-22 is fully shipboard compatible, with the world's first complete blade fold and wing stowage system.

Bell's New V-280 Tiltrotor Achieves First Flight

It can operate off all US Navy L-class amphibious ships, the LHA/LHD assault carriers, and can be stowed on full-size CV/CVN carriers. “Serving in the Navy has given me a lot of discipline,” said Augustin. “This career has set me up for the civilian world.

Sometimes, I feel like people assume that because I'm a female, I work in administration, but I'm an electrician. I actually work on the aircraft.” "My proudest accomplishment in the Navy is earning my wings," said Hawes.

“It's a lot of hard work and late hours. Being instructed by great officers and making the right decisions means a lot to me and will help set me on the right path for my career.”

That tiltrotor design, after all, is the AW609's key feature. By combining vertical and horizontal flight, this and other VTOL aircraft could pick up CEOs right at their helipad, then fly them wherever they need to go.

They could help in search and rescue operations where runways are difficult to find, and carry the injured all the way to distant hospitals. They could move people to and from offshore oil rigs. A five-year contract for 141 MV-22 and 26 CV-22 was placed in March 2008. In total 360 MV-22 (to replace CH-46 Sea Knight) and 50 CV-22 (to replace MH-53J Pave Low helicopters

) are required. The 100th V-22 Osprey was delivered in March 2008. “I'd like to send a shoutout to my mom, Antonetta Wilkins and Miss Molly Williams,” added Augustin. “Thank you for being supportive of my career and being that shoulder I sometimes needed as a kid.

I'll be home soon!” In July 2015, the US Navy signed a contract for the delivery of five V-22s to Japan, marking its first sale under the foreign military sales program. The US Navy announced its intention to procure 44 V-22s in the same year.

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Skysurfer Aircraft

Skysurfer Aircraft

Skysurfer Aircraft - I truly started the process back in 2017, spending an incredible amount of time making it work on paper and crunching all the numbers. I wanted to build an ultralight aircraft powerful enough to carry a person through the sky.

I went over everything a million times before trying to turn those calculations into real world results. I knew that I would only have one shot at doing the prototype right. Every time that I fly I am getting better at it and getting more aggressive.

Skysurfer Aircraft

Fit For Sky Surfer Rc Plane X8 1480Mm Wingspan Epo Fpv Aircraft Glider Rc  Airplane Pnp Toys Gifts,Rc Aircraft Glider,Rc Planerc Aircraft  Glider(Color:blue) : Toys & Games

I feel like I have pretty good balance, because I was on a competitive snowboarding team. The best way to describe the sensation for me is it's like snowboarding, and skydiving in a wind tunnel. I have all of these gusts being whipped around in the air, and any movement that I make outside of my platform affects the flight.

From the company website, here is how a flight begins and ends: “The initial thought was to deploy it from an aircraft in flight; however, stability issues and forces on deployment quickly ruled this out. Instead, a WingBoarder starts the same way a glider starts: on tow behind the tow plane.

The WingBoard is equipped with landing gear, allowing a rolling takeoff. The tow rope design permits the rider to maintain a relaxed position while allowing the tow plane and WingBoard to do all the work. “Two options exist for landing: a rolling landing and landing via parachute.

A rolling landing is performed just as a normal landing is, although the tow plane pilot must pay attention to the WingBoard's distance from the runway. This maneuver is practiced by gliders in the event that a tow rope becomes stuck and they are unable to separate from the tow plane.

The rider may also elect to disconnect from the tow line and use his or her parachute for landing.” There was this seemingly endless routine where I was designing, fabricating, breaking and then redesigning. One hour while I was doing a calibration, the craft just took off full power straight into the air.

I found out that there was a little bit of dew that built up on the trip from the inside to the outside, and that fried the electronics into malfunction. The first time I was standing onboard the platform I was very aware of all of the craziness going on below me.

Hunter Kowald On Instagram: “I'm Back From The Future To Introduce  Generation 2 Of The Skysurfer Hoverboard Aircraft In Times Square. I've  Designed This To Have 20+…”

The propellers spin faster than the speed of sound and are able to compensate for any outside forces. During the first four feet off the ground there is tons of rattling and shaking. Ground force is coming back at you, and the movements are aggressive.

I was nine years old in the backseat of my parents' car when I first started sketching some sort of hoverboard. I actually still have the drawings. My dad had a pilot's licence, and I would go on flights with him when I was young.

I guess the idea was always somewhere in the back of my mind, and I always had a passion for flight. Later, as I studied mechanical engineering and mathematics, then worked in the industrial world doing design, the concept of building something like that became more real.

That is where I broke my personal altitude record recently, in the sand dunes of San Diego. Before the highest I had flown was 60 feet, and I beat that by a lot just recently, going up what I am pretty sure was around 100 feet.

It is hard to know for sure, because it would take some calculating. But it is surprising to me how comfortable I am being up that high. I used to be careful just getting off the ground, now I barely hit the controls and I am 50 feet in the air.

Impressed by the hoverboard, they initially asked Kowald to fly down the red carpet on the SkySurfer dressed as the Green Goblin for the movie's launch. Due to logistical hurdles this didn't come to be, but you can learn about the planning that went into the attempt in this video.

Once the parts arrived, the next phase was a rigorous testing process, running it through an incredible amount of cycles. I needed it not only to perform well, but perform well with a good deal of weight stressing it.

Hunter Kowald Rides Skysurfer Hoverboard In Nyc's Times Square, Mistaken  For Green Goblin - Techeblog

For safety with aircraft you are always making sure things can function with 150 percent of the maximum load you are expecting. I was looking for the frame to carry 500 pounds, so that meant that I was testing it with 750 pounds.

The most common phrase I hear is, “The future is here.” And after all the work, that is an amazing thing to hear. I'm excited to see where I can take it next, in the world of movie stunts and sports.

The next step for me is working with a Guinness Book of World Records to get a few feats in the book as far as altitude and speed. But after that, who knows what's next? I was never worried too much about heights, and for whatever reason, I feel especially comfortable on the SkySurfer.

It must have something to do with how much time I spent with the numbers before, and that I know that I built it with a lot of care. I am definitely not always the safest person, but it seems like a good idea to wear a helmet for protection, and a heavy jacket to help defend against the elements.

The Times Square stunt caught the attention of the producers working on Spiderman: No Way Home, who drew the same comparison with the Green Goblin as, well, almost anyone seeing Kowald fly on the SkySurfer does.

But as evidenced by his many viral social media videos, of a helmeted man soaring over New York City or Venice Beach on a real-life hoverboard, Kowald has made that dream a reality. Below, Kowald shares what it was like to design, develop and eventually fly his ground-breaking personal aircraft.

I learned throughout the process of designing this thing. . . [that] I need to make sure I take every step possible that I know that could fail and make sure that it's covered. If something goes out, something catches fire, it'll switch over to the other without any latency issues.

I Built The Worlds Smallest Aircraft. 19 Year Story To Fly. Skysurfer  Aircraft Drone Ft. Insta360 - Youtube

Hunter Kowald is a name that you might not know but will probably hear about very soon, thanks to his giant drone-like vehicle, The SkySurfer. The young engineer grew up with a dream that many share, yet ultimately dismiss as impossible: flying through the air freely as if in some futuristic movie or video game.

Safety was top of mind as Kowald worked on the SkySurfer. He has had many failed test flights along the road towards creating a working platform. Although painful—not to mention expensive—these failures helped him learn where the weaknesses were in his design.

There are a lot of industrial spaces in Los Angeles, where the majority of the early flights took place. People were usually pretty cool about it, except for the occasional security guard who would be a little weary about a hovercraft flying around their patrol.

They would usually just try to get me to go somewhere else nearby. I fly all of the time now, in all sorts of terrains. He only began working seriously on the hoverboard idea about two years ago, although he had been thinking about it since he was young.

Once he started the work, he pursued it tirelessly, performing test after test to create the world's first functional hoverboard. . . . When it comes to the actual flying sensation itself, I like to think that it's pretty much like snowboarding or surfing.

It honestly does feel like you're standing on the ground once you get up there and you're comfortable with it. The only thing that took me a while to understand was managing the wind. . .

I'm in a 500-pound wind tunnel as this air is flowing around me in every direction possible. So I stick my hand out, that's going to definitely shift it and cause me to twist around.” There are four or five different things that I am thinking about while flying.

Sky Surfer – Questacon

The handheld controls are very complex, and have all sorts of sensors built in. But the more that I fly, the more that I get used to it, the less I am actually thinking about each little detail.

It has started to feel like running or driving, in the sense that it is more and more like second nature. I see somewhere that I want to go, and I fly there. The cities are probably the easiest, because there is even pavement to take off of, but you have to be cognizant of the buildings as the gusts are being whipped all around.

My favorite place to fly is in the desert, there is something beneficial mentally about having a little softer ground below when you are high in the air. And it looks cool. I just have to look out for sand and dirt kicking up because it will damage the propellers.

The funny part about wearing the helmet, is nobody really recognizes me, they recognize the SkySurfer. I get a lot of attention when I am flying around, either in the suburbs or the city. I never expected to go viral so quickly, I had some friends a jetpack company post a little flight that I did and it got millions of views.

It has been fun to shoot footage when I do my flights, because the reactions are hilarious. Lots of people want to stop and take photos. It consumes a ton of power to be able to fly in such a small form factor.

And that's the biggest obstacle that everybody else has faced who's tried to do it. It's either going to catch on fire or you have to design custom components to be able to crank that much voltage and current into it to be able to get this power.

If a motor fails, the tips in the propellers will spin faster than the speed of sound to be able to compensate for that. This series is done in partnership with the Great Adventures podcast hosted by Charles Thorp.

Skysurfer Hi-Res Stock Photography And Images - Alamy

Check out new and past episodes on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. Past guests include Bear Grylls, Andrew Zimmern, Chris Burkard, NASA astronauts, Navy SEALs and many others. The moment that I got beyond four feet off the ground the flight experience changed dramatically.

I remember that flight perfectly. In field stack. The movement was very smooth and the turbines were running quietly. The feeling was incredible and I felt as secure as I would on anything that was riding on the ground.

That's when I knew that it was really going to work. Test engineer Aaron “Wyp” Wypyszynski formed Wyp Aviation in Huntsville, Alabama, to create a surfboard for the sky—one towed behind an airplane. The concept involves a surfer wearing a parachute and standing on a Wyp WingBoard that has its own parachute.

An introductory video shows both the airplane and the surfer doing formation rolls. The tow apparatus has multiple breakaway links for safety. For a few of the critical elements like the frame and the propellers, there wasn't anything close to what I needed on the market.

The only option was to design it myself. I didn't realize how time consuming this process would be when I first started, or I probably wouldn't have started to begin with. I got in too deep, and at a certain point the only option I had was making this happen.

I was waiting months sometimes for pieces to be manufactured internationally and sent to me. I built failsafes and redundancy after, but it was a bit of a wake up call to make sure everything was right before I stepped on it.

Because my design is so much smaller than people have tried or thought about before, it creates an enormous amount of heat. I had to make it fireproof, because I am consuming the same amount of power as 10 houses during flight.

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Rv-15 Aircraft

Rv-15 Aircraft

Rv-15 Aircraft - But it wasn't until the plane showed up here at KOSH that we got our first good look at it. Here are some of the observations we made about this plane, which, it is clear, is so much more than just the first high-wing model from the world's most successful kit plane maker

Seat adjustment is done by raising a lever on the right front of the seat, then sliding the seat forward or aft while holding on to some structure on the door post. Designers are still trying to decide where to put handholds in the cockpit, since they designed a structure that does not require steel tubes above the glare shield and behind the windshield, as are typical with high-wing airplanes.

Rv-15 Aircraft

Vans Rv-4 · The Encyclopedia Of Aircraft David C. Eyre

Strategically placed handholds will be an excellent alternative, and a good trade for the clear visibility of the unobstructed window. There is currently no boarding step, something that most average-height humans will want to help get in and out of the -15.

What’s A Test Article?

But such amenities aren't required for a test airplane, and the design team has some ideas about how to add them without compromising on drag. Overall, the control system is conventional in that cables connect from the pedals to the rudder and the control sticks activate the stabilator through a pushrod—these are concepts Van's is well familiar with.

For other Van's models, roll control is also via pushrod, and one might wonder how that works with a high wing. (With a low wing, pushrod-activated ailerons are almost trivial from a design standpoint.) All day long, crowds of curious people carefully walked around the RV-15, commenting on its sheer size, beefy landing gear, and fat tires.

The size of the fuselage interior and the baggage door—the latter is drawn on the prototype—gained a lot of attention from people who like to have lots of room for their gear. The existence of the first Van's high-wing plane was no secret.

Rumors had been floating around for years that the Oregon kit giant was considering a high-wing model, in part, people assumed, to capitalize on the great interest in backcountry flying. Then, a couple of weeks ago, spy video emerged of a high-wing plane flying around Van's home airport, Aurora State in Oregon, and, well, pretty much everybody assumed, correctly, as it turned out, that the plane in question was

The Cockpit

the much-rumored new high-winger from Van's. With the cat effectively out of the bag, Van's came clean in advance of the Oshkosh AirVenture fly-in and revealed the existence of the RV-15, although not much more than that.

Built using CAD-designed parts and match-hole technology, the prototype was put together with parts produced from punch presses and CNC machines directly from design drawings. This was not cut and pasted by hand, as past prototypes have been—theoretically, production parts for kits can be produced from the same files that made the test article.

But a lot of testing will go into the machine before the first customer receives any kit parts and Van's is happy with the design. Van's salespeople noted that orders for the new design are not being taken yet, because the test flying hasn't been completed, so they don't have all the data needed to determine if any tweaks or changes need to be made before the kit enters

production. The design is meant to accommodate four-cylinder Lycoming engines from 180HP to 220HP. The engineering test prototype has a four-cylinder Lycoming IO-390 EXP-119 engine that outputs around 220HP and drives an 80-inch composite Hartzell Trailblazer propeller.

The Metal We Have

While we have not yet determined the actual speeds or useful load for the final design, we have established design targets of 140kts and at least 900 pounds, with the room to load two full-size mountain bikes in the baggage area without having to completely disassemble

Stephen Bridgewater On Twitter:

them (just remove the front wheel like you would when mounting to a car or truck bike rack). Bottom line, then: What will be kitted may be much like the test vehicle, it might have some minor changes that don't really change its performance or mission profiles or it might have such significant differences that this view of the RV-15 is

akin to seeing a child's drawing of one as opposed to sneaking a peek at the CAD drawings. It's been reinforced in our meetings with Van's that many aspects of the design remain to be proven.

Assume things will change. How long will it take? They won't know until flight testing is much further along. Van's Aircraft at 50 is a remarkable company with an incredible history and a full product line—of low-wing aircraft.

Landing Gear

Whether you want a single-seater that is a nimble high performer or you want to carry four adults at 170 knots for 800 miles, you can find the airplane of your dreams from Van's—as long as it is a low-wing machine.

Basic math says that Van's has come out with a new model every 3.57 years (50 years, 14 models if you count tricycle-gear variations separately), and it has been a few since something entirely new has come out of Aurora.

In these days of computer design and computer-controlled production machinery, a smart company will try to design both their test articles and prototypes to the standard that they hope to achieve in production versions. That way, if the test article is a home run, with few changes required, they can roll into production very quickly.

The important distinction is that you use a test article to learn things that you need to know before building a prototype. The developmental prototype is then what you use to figure out what the product that you want to sell will look (and fly) like.

Where To From Here?

Prototypes are still subject to change at all levels—aerodynamically, structurally or in systems. Changes can be minor (where and how to place the baggage door) or major (a new tail). Speculation was heavy as AirVenture approached last year—after a hiatus of two years—so it was with great celebration that Van's announced that, yes indeed, there would be an RV-15!

And there was significant discussion when they added "...and it will be a high-wing, backcountry-capable aircraft with sticks." And that was all the details they would offer at AirVenture and, amazingly, little more has leaked out since then.

Sure, there were online memes and forum speculation, including a few snapshots of Maules and things with "RV-15" badly Photoshopped on the tail, but the actual airplane kept a very low profile through much of 2022.

An airplane that will get you there reasonably quickly, get down and stopped and then back off the ground in short distances, while letting you carry all the stuff you need to answer the question, "Okay so we're here, what are we gonna

Everything We Know About The Van's Rv-15, So Far… : Flyer : Flyer

What We Know So Far

back?” Fish, bike, camp, hunt, whatever you can think of. You choose. The shock absorbers will provide both spring and damper functions so that landing loads are absorbed without the plane being rebounded back into the air.

The tailwheel is similarly sprung, with a vertically oriented shock absorber connected to a custom-CNC-machined pivot block that is mounted to an arm hinged to a point on the fuselage about 10 inches in front of the shock.

The result is a long-travel gear that should be able to take quite a pounding, plus the linkage allows the tailwheel pivot to have constant camber even with a significant amount of travel. Main gear is currently sporting 6.00×6 tires on Berringer wheels (and brakes).

Current plans are to fly it on those, but they have a set of 26-inch bush wheels sitting in the shop for use on the plane—that is their default size for "bush wheels." They have incorporated provisions for an easily installable jack point on the gear, inside of the axle, to make jacking easier.

The Basic Airframe

We tend to use the term "prototype" a bit loosely. Some are really better described as test articles, which are really "proofs of concept," something that a designer (or a company) does to learn more about what they really want to design.

A good aviation example from the last century would be the X-plane series of aircraft built by industry to specifications provided by NACA, NASA, the Air Force, etc. From the X-1 through the X-15 (and continuing on to today's X-40-something), these aircraft were not designed to be prototypes of anything: They were specific aircraft designed to study things like how to go supersonic or hypersonic,

how to fly into the edge of space or how to control an unstable aircraft using computers. And before we leave the cockpit, let's answer the obvious question I know is out there—can you add a back seat?

We talked about it with the design team, and they are well aware that someone is going to add one or two. The current design doesn't preclude it, but it also isn't specifically designed with anchor points or extra structure.

Push Or Pull?

Nevertheless, the current thinking is that the RV-15 is a two-seat airplane with a generous baggage capacity. The RV-15 will prove its place in the sky—and in the marketplace—within time, and we look forward to seeing them in numbers all over the backcountry.

We're not sure when that will be, but we are certain that Van's success over half a century will continue, and another "total performance" machine will swell the ranks of E/A-B aircraft everywhere. The roomy cockpit is designed with two seats, which are mounted on rails for easy adjustment as well as easy ingress and egress.

The seats in the test article are actually from another (unnamed) airplane and are being used to "get it flying." Cockpit controls feature a standard control stick that has been shaped with a large curve to avoid contacting the seat or the pilot's legs.

File:van's Aircraft Rv-10 Compton Abbas (10121068894).Jpg - Wikimedia  Commons

In fact, we were shown a couple of different sticks that will be tried, to see which the test pilots prefer. Rudder pedals likewise featured two different designs, one for the pilot, one for the copilot.

Firewall Forward

Test pilots will use both and decide which gets the nod for incorporation into the kit. The pedals feature toe brakes, as is typical on Van's aircraft. Engine controls are conventional push-pull knobs mounted under the center of the instrument panel.

We can tell you that the engineering behind the RV-15 is extensive and first-rate, and benefits from a top-notch team. Besides longtime Van's engineer (and current president) Rian Johnson, there's Rob Heap, formerly with Scaled Composites and Cessna.

Brian Hickman recently engineered for Glasair Aviation. Another recent addition is Axel Alvarez, a graduate of the U.S. Navy Test Pilot School (as a civilian) and highly experienced test pilot and engineer. These professionals join many Van's stalwarts to help make up an impressive 12-person engineering and prototype-shop team—and Van himself is only a phone call away for a carefully expressed opinion.

The luggage area is built large—large enough for a couple of small bicycles, a full set of camping gear, a couple of dogs—or maybe an elk, if hunting is your thing. There was no baggage door when we visited the factory in June, but the frame for a large baggage door was sitting on a worktable, ready to be installed when they have the time.

Number Numbers Who’s Got The Numbers?

How large? Big enough for a cooler—or for a medium-sized person to crawl through without extensive cave exploring training! And the design goal is to have the bottom edge of the door flush with the luggage area floor, so that you don't have to lift items in and out—they can slide through the door easily.

Counteracting all this wing is a horizontal tail consisting of a stabilator. The current stabilizer has a removable leading edge for easy replacement should it become dinged up in the backcountry—or if Van's decides they want to try something else.

A stabilator was chosen instead of a conventional horizontal stabilizer and elevator to provide a wide range of pitch control for the large flaps. An added bonus is that the stabilizer will hopefully prove to be lighter, as it gives more power for less area, which means less weight.

The test article's stabilator uses two different tabs—one is the trim tab and the other is an anti-servo tab. Stabilators in other designs—think Piper Cherokee—move the anti-servo tab for pitch trim. Now, back to the RV-15 itself.

It is indeed a high-wing, two-seat backcountry airplane with a large cargo allowance that can be lifted by its IO-390 engine. It is a hefty airplane—not six-seat hefty, but easily the size and weight of a Cessna 170, which is large by homebuilt standards.

Compared to other two-seat high-wings on the market, it is different—so how did Van's come to this configuration? Well they didn't just pull it out of the employee suggestion box. Van's has been asking their customers for several years now what they would like in the next model, and they have been listening—as hard as that can be when you ask a large group of pilots what they want.

Everything We Know About The Van's Rv-15, So Far… : Flyer : Flyer

The noise in the virtual room has been tremendous, with lots of great ideas tossed about. What about fuel? The first article has 40-plus gallons of fuel in a handmade tank fitted where a passenger would go.

This is for several reasons. First is to ensure that the first flights would have a conservative CG loading. Second is that Van's hasn't decided if the fuel, to be carried inboard in the wings, will be in separate tanks fitted into the wings, or if the wings will be "wet" like most RVs are.

(Remember the aileron pushrods go through the wing D section, so, if this is the configuration used in the kits, fuel can't go there.) Final fuel capacity is also still being discussed—but the engineering team wants to provide maximum flexibility

in loading and range for the pilot, so our expectation is for bigger rather than smaller. Let's call it in the ballpark of 50 gallons. The fuselage is all aluminum and has forward and rear wing spar carry-through structure as part of the cabin ceiling.

There are large entry doors on each side of the cabin, with steel-tube-framed plexiglass doors covering the openings. The doors are hinged on their front edge but have quick-release pins on the two hinges so they can be removed in about 10 seconds to allow open-door flying.

Although the doors may look bulged out, they actually follow the contour of the fuselage. The cabin feels and looks roomy. The engineering team is not certain that the doors will be rugged enough as-is, so they might be iterating on the design with a beefier armrest or other structure.

Let's talk about the gear. Both the main gear and tailwheel are using TK 1 Shock Monster shocks for their action—a proven brand out of Lincoln, California, that is equipping a large number of bush aircraft.

The main gear is unlike anything Van's has designed before, with two separate aluminum legs hinged at the lower corners of the fuselage. Part of the leg extends upward, above the hinge point, and is connected to the large shock absorbers that are oriented across the fuselage laterally and are sandwiched between the belly skin and the floorboards.

For now, the maximum gross weight is 2050 pounds. Again, this is the test article. Van's hasn't said if that's the final weight goal or not, but our guess is that it isn't. There's a lot of wing on this airplane—easily 170 square feet or more—which would support higher gross weights while maintaining a low stall speed for good backcountry airfield performance.

Then again, it's not out of the realm of possibility that this is more wing than Van's finds optimal. So much could change. Let's wrap up by talking about expectations. The RV-15 likely to be unveiled at AirVenture is a huge achievement for Van's Aircraft—it represents years of market surveys, design and manufacturing work using everything they have learned over 50 years of innovation and production.

As we write this, no one has flown it except the Van's test team—although we hope to get a crack at it soon. And realistically speaking, we expect that there are going to be design changes to make "it works" go to "we really like it!"

2-Person Private Plane - Rv–12Is - Vans Aircraft, Inc. - Single-Engine /  Piston Engine / Instructional

With such a radical departure from previous Van's designs, we have to expect that control harmony will be improved and tweaked until Van is happy to put his name on it. Visibility from the cockpit on the ground appears to be excellent.

Comparing it to similar taildragging high-wings, I'd have to say that it is superior to most. The upright seating allows you to easily move your head forward to see around the forward door post if required to see what's coming up in a turn.

And the view over the top cowl was excellent for taxiing. The design eye height is fairly high in the cockpit, and an extra cushion (on top of the temporary seats) was required to get my average height up to that level—but once I did, it sort of felt like I was sitting in an

Air Tractor, casually surveying a large domain. I liked it! The RV-15 is still not at the prototype stage, and although it was built from CAD models that can be replicated by the push of a button, we expect that significant tweaking could happen before any kits are shipped.

It is possible that the tail might change, or that the ailerons might need more or less area. If the ailerons have to change, that means the wing changes—and no one is going to want to "un-build" their kit to change things drastically.

Manuals have to be prepared, and the factory tooled up to produce the new kit. So when will the kits be available? We expect it will be a while—but the wait will be worth it. Rian Johnson, president and chief technology officer, understands that you have to pull all of the information together and look for consensus—you can't give everyone what they want because many ideas are diametrically opposed.

When we have looked at the market ourselves, looking for a niche that hasn't been filled, we have come to the conclusion that Van's has hit an open spot with the RV-15—it's larger than LSA-capable machines, smaller than a

Moose—and right where the burgeoning backcountry market is looking to expand. It's a load hauler that can get you from the flats to the mountains in reasonable time, with enough camping gear to keep you there in style.

The market spoke, Van's listened, and they gave the most they could to the largest number of potential builders. The trike is likely to use an RV-10/14-style nose gear and a more common aluminum leaf gear with a less complex fuselage structure;

the thinking is that the trike is less likely to be taken far into the backcountry and therefore does not need the weight or complexity. I was told flat out that they would not try going head to head with the NX Cub.

Here's where you might end up confused. The test airplane you see here—and might have crawled through at AirVenture—does not represent the likely final form. This airplane carries a series of pushrods and bellcranks to translate stick motion up through the aft door frame (the B pillar), with a short torque tube and then a long pushrod that's actually just ahead of the aft spar.

From there, a bellcrank and short pushrod connect to the aileron. When will it be ready? I'm sure that the standard homebuilder response of "Tuesday" is probably accurate. With the first flight just a month before the AirVenture debut, it is far behind the test curve of, for example, the RV-14.

That airplane was introduced by surprise at AirVenture 2012, but it had been flying for a month before its debut. Tail kits weren't being delivered for quite a while after that, and fuselage and wing kits followed.

And while there were tweaks, the first customer airplanes were very much like what was seen at AirVenture that July.

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